Expatica news

Suspected drugs link in Rotterdam triple murder

19 January 2004

AMSTERDAM — The bodies of three men were found in a ground-floor house in the Rotterdam suburb Schiebroek over the weekend in what is suspected to be a triple murder linked to the drugs trade.

The men were found lying on the ground, reportedly tied up, and police have confirmed they are assuming foul play was at work. No arrests have been made and inquiries continue.

A brother of one of the victims, together with a friend, discovered the three bodies on Saturday night. Police remain tightlipped about the case, news agency ANP reported.

Detectives and members of the Dutch Forensics Institute (NFI) conducted an intensive search of the house, on the Krabbestraat, and the immediate vicinity on Saturday night. Police also conducted a neighbourhood search.

Residents have reacted with shock to the deaths, but suspect that the deaths were a gangland slaying. It is alleged that the men were involved in the drugs trade.

One man is believed to have been the only resident of the house and a neighbour claims to have often heard noise late at night and frequently saw men walking in and out of the building with suitcases.

The bodies of the three victims were taken to the mortuary on Sunday, where autopsies were to be conducted. Police hope to determine the identities of the three men on Monday.

Police also took testimony from the man who discovered the bodies and his friend. The car of one of the deceased men has been seized for further examination.

Meanwhile, a 43-year-old Rotterdam man was shot and killed in the Talmastraat on Saturday. Witnesses claim the man was arguing with another man, who pulled a gun and opened fire. The suspect escaped by bike.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news