Expatica news

Secret hearing for Hells Angels murder suspects

12 March 2004

AMSTERDAM — Two Hells Angels gang members facing triple murder charges were remanded in custody for an extra 10 days when they appeared in a secret court hearing on Thursday.

The public prosecution has accused the 43 and 37-year-old men of shooting and killing three members of their own motorcycle gang last month and kidnapping two members of the Antillean motorcycle gang, Caribbean Brothers.

One of the suspects is the vice-president and present leader of the Nomads, J. S., Dutch associated press ANP reported.

The murder victims were members of the De Nomads motorcycle gang in Oirsbeek. Their gunshot-riddled bodies were found in a stream in the southern Dutch city of Echt on 13 February.

The murder and the kidnapping are reportedly connected to a conflict over the theft of 293kg of cocaine with an estimated street value of EUR 7 million.

Murder victims, De Nomads president Paul de Vries, 54, Cor Peijnenburg, 33, and Serge Wagenaar, 34, and a fourth man are reportedly suspected by police to have stolen the drugs from a group of Colombians.

The Colombians allegedly confronted the Hells Angels gang about the theft, prompting a conflict within the gang about how to solve the situation. The Antillean gang members, John D. and Angelo D., allegedly negotiated the delivery of the cocaine.

Police raided the Oirsbeek clubhouse on Monday night and carried out several arrests on the same day as the possible murder of the two hostages was thwarted.

Meanwhile, Thursday’s hearing took place at an undisclosed location due to security precautions and a court official said it was the first time that a hearing was held in such a manner.

It was later revealed the hearing was held at the police station on the Mathildelaan in Eindhoven.

The suspects are being held with all restrictions in place, meaning they may not have contact with anyone outside of their detention block, with the exception of their lawyer. Defence lawyers may not publicly comment on case details.

Police have been searching the De Nomads clubhouse since Tuesday and efforts are directed at discovering finger prints and DNA traces that can be linked to the triple murder.

Meanwhile, the two kidnapped Antillean gang members were also remanded in custody for an extra 10 days on Thursday. They were reportedly carrying loaded guns when police swooped on Monday.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news