Expatica news

Nurse complains about prostitution job offer

27 January 2004

AMSTERDAM — A Groningen nurse has lodged a complaint with the Centre for Work and Income (CWI) in her home city after she was offered a job last week as a prostitute.
The CWI said that the woman received the job offer via her personalised CWI website. She was approached by the website werk.nl, which allows job seekers to place their details online, but has no intention of accepting the offer.

People registered with the CWI can be contacted directly via their personal website without the CWI intercepting messages, the largely ANP-fed news agency nu.nl reported on Tuesday.

Working as a prostitute has been legal in the Netherlands since late 2000 and the CWI is thus obligated to register job vacancies in the sex industry, but is not allowed to actively offer them to people.

The CWI had taken measures against these sorts of incidents occurring and a spokeswoman for the agency said the website filters jobs based on certain words and occupations. But she said there was no guarantee against such job offers because the system was entirely automated.

Random checks are also conducted on word usage to prevent unacceptable jobs being offered to job seekers.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news