Expatica news

News in brief – 26 March

Former PM Kok to lead EU workgroup

Former prime minister Wim Kok was appointed on Thursday night at a summit in Brussels to lead a European Union workgroup that will evaluate the union’s ambitions to make the continent’s economy more robust. The EU decided in 2000 to become the world’s most competitive economy in 2010, but is unlikely to meet its target. The workgroup will assess what has come of the EU plans.

Lawyers sign ‘no cure, no pay’ deal

The Dutch lawyers association, Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten, has reached agreement over a so-called “no cure, no pay” system in injury and death compensation cases. The experiment will be conducted over five years. From 1 November 2004, the public will thus be able to sign performance contracts with lawyers stipulating that he or she will only be paid by obtaining a pre-agreed result.

Ladder ban set to reduce workplace accidents

From 1 July 2004, workers will no longer be allowed to use ladders and will instead be legally required to use scaffolding or a tower wagon for jobs such as window cleaning or painting. The Cabinet hopes its decision will lead to a 15 percent decline in workplace accidents. There are 1,500 ladder accidents each year, 100 of which are serious.

Dutch oppose animal testing

A total of 67 percent of the Dutch population is opposed to animal testing if the animal seriously suffers and 82 percent want more information to be made available about animal testing. The Intromart Gfk survey of 500 adults also found that 78 percent of the population believes the government should allocate more money towards developing alternatives to animal testing.

Apaches to depart for Kabul next week

Six Apache combat helicopters and 135 Dutch personnel will depart from the Gilze-Rijen air base on Monday, bound for Afghanistan. The Dutch deployment will bolster the ISAF stablisation force in the Afghan capital Kabul. The mission will initially last six months. The helicopters will be flown to Afghanistan in two shipments, starting on Monday.
Dutchman killed in Italian avalanche

A 39-year-old Dutch skier was killed in an avalanche in the north Italian ski resort Maso Corto on Thursday. The man — identified as W. Güntermann, of Amsterdam — headed off the piste at about 3pm and was buried under an avalanche of snow. The man was holidaying with colleagues from a large multinational company when the accident occurred. Together with two others, he decided to head off from the piste and one of his two companions possibly caused the avalanche.

Male and female singles have different intentions

Two out of three female singles are not out for a date when they travel on especially arranged singles-type holidays, while 59 percent of men think the trip is the perfect opportunity to make contact. The survey was conducted by www.singlebreak.nl, which organises singles vacations in co-operation with Dutch dating sites OneHello and ItClicks. Non-attached people aged 25 and more are offered holiday getaways with a group of other singles. Most survey respondents said other travel partners must have a positive attitude.
[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news