Expatica news

Netherlands to put terror suspect on trial

3 September 2004

AMSTERDAM — An 18-year-old man is to stand trial for allegedly plotting a terrorist attack in the Netherlands.

Rotterdam Court extended his remand detention on Thursday until 23 September, when he will appear in court for a pre-trial hearing, Dutch public news service NOS reported.

The suspect is a Dutch citizen of Moroccan origin. He was arrested on 30 September on suspicion of involvement in a supermarket robbery. 

Police claim they uncovered indications during on his home that the suspect was planning a terrorist attack. The prosecution says officers seized floor plans of possible targets.

The man’s arrest, in combination with domestic and international intelligence, prompted the Dutch government to issue a terror alarm on 9 July.

Security was tightened around key installations such as Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, as well as at several embassies and the secret service AIVD. The terror alarm remains in force.

The suspect was also arrested on 17 October 2003 based on bugged telephone conversations. The AIVD alleged at the time he was involved in preparing an attack with four other extremists.

During a search of a house on that occasion police seized hydrochloric acid and artificial fertiliser, raising suspicions that the suspects intended to construct a bomb. They were eventually released due to a lack of evidence.

The suspect first hit headlines back in January 2003 when he reportedly tried to travel to Chechnya to join Muslim separatists there.

The suspect and his companion became stranded in the Russian cold and Russian authorities sent them back to the Netherlands.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news