Expatica news

Naked bikers to shun cover of legal permit

27 April 2004 

AMSTERDAM — A group of naturists who plan to cycle naked through a Dutch city in June will do so without a permit from the city officials, it was announced Tuesday.  

The event is the Dutch contribution to World Naked Bike Ride during which naturists will take to the streets on bicycles in cities across the globe “to celebrate the power and individuality of the human body”.

The Dutch group objects to the principle of having to seek the permission of Apeldoorn city council for the event on 12 June, a spokesperson for the group told RTL News.   “A school teacher does not apply for a permit when 30 pupils go out cycling,” the spokesperson said.

“Moreover, we do not have a central organisation and nobody can take a decision for another person.”

At least 40 people have already indicated via the group’s website a willingness to take part. The dress code is as “bare as you dare”.

Their determination to go ahead without official sanction means that the cycling event will not be viewed favourably by the Dutch Naturist Federation (NFN), which indicated earlier it would only back the event if a permit was granted. 

If all goes to plan, the Dutch group will join naturists in several other countries – including the US, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Spain and New Zealand – who are expected to strip off and get on their bikes to mark World Naked Bike day. 

Officials on Apeldoorn city council indicated last week they had not yet adopted a stance on the unusual event, but could refuse it a permit on “based on morality”.

The NFN, meanwhile, said it was a “fun initiative”, but would only support the event if it occurred legally. “We stand behind it, provided that a permit is granted. If you don’t get one, it is illegal; it would be nudism in place of naturism,” it said.

Furthermore, it said nudism is illegal in the Netherlands and the NFN distances itself from such activities.
The small Christian party SGP has urged Apeldoorn Council to intervene and prevent the ride from going ahead. The party – which was founded to fight all forms of emancipation of women – said the bicycle tour is in breach of the Bible and good morality.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news