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MPs demand closure of ‘Jihad’ mosque

23 April 2004

AMSTERDAM — A majority of MPs believe that the disputed El Tawheed mosque in Amsterdam, which sells a book urging Jihad, the killing of gays and the beating of women, should be closed if it is proven to have committed prosecutable offences.

Amid growing objections to the mosque, a parliamentary majority made up of the  Liberal VVD, Christian Democrat CDA and populist LPF are now gunning for its closure. The Democrat D66 is not excluding the possibility of the mosque’s closure either.

But the public prosecution must first determine if the mosque should be investigated. The Amsterdam Council is demanding that such an investigation be carried out, newspaper De Telegraaf reported on Friday.

Liberal VVD MP Geert Wilders said if the prosecution decides against investigating the mosque, Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner should instruct the prosecution to do so. If Donner refuses, Wilders will submit a motion demanding an investigation.
It was revealed earlier this week that the mosque is selling a book by Sheik Aboe Baker Djaber El Djezeïri, which advocates the right of a husband to beat his wife if she is disobedient.

Furthermore, the book “The Way of the Muslim” asserts that gay people should be thrown from the roof and stoned.

The Dutch Parliament is to hold an emergency debate about the El Tawheed mosque next week.

Earlier this month the mosque was at the centre of a storm about another book available at its open day organised to help combat its negative public image.

That book, “Fatwas of Muslim Women”, says that women who lie deserve 100 blows and that the husband’s duty of care for his wife is negated if she refuses him sex or leaves the home without his permission. One of its most controversial aspects is the call for Muslim girls to be circumcised

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news