Expatica news

Boy, 15, killed in ‘train surfing’ accident

16 February 2004

AMSTERDAM — A 15-year-old boy was killed on Saturday night while he and a friend “train surfed” at the Maasluis West station near Rotterdam. His body was found the next morning about 200m outside the station.

One of the boys opened a window of a stationary train at about 9pm and when the train started to move, both of them climbed out through the window and hung onto the train from the outside, news agency ANP reported.

The victim failed to jump clear of the train quickly enough and was probably caught between the platform and the train. He was dragged 200m further in the direction of Rotterdam. His friend made it to the platform safely.

The second boy said he stood and waited for the victim, but later went home without reporting the incident. The train engineer did not notice the accident.

Public transport company RET launched an information campaign last year warning against train and metro surfing. Information folders were circulated at the start of the school year alerting children and parents to the dangers.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news