Expatica news

70pc of migrant families in financial difficulties

16 January 2004

AMSTERDAM — About 70 percent of migrant households in the Netherlands are experiencing financial difficulties, compared with just 37 percent of native Dutch families in large cities, new research revealed on Friday.

Budgetary research bureau Nibud blamed the discrepancy on different income levels between the two groups. It said immigrant households have a lower income and more children than Dutch families, newspaper De Telegraaf reported.

And in comparing the income, spending and financial management of Surinamese/Antillean, Moroccan and Turkish households with Dutch families, Nibud said in all groups, 75 percent of important financial decisions are made co-operatively between man and woman.

Turkish households are the least satisfied with their financial position, with 80 percent admitting that they have trouble getting by. This is compared with 71 percent of Moroccan households and 63 percent of Surinamese, while a total of 37 percent of Dutch families have financial troubles.

The research revealed that Turkish families need on average EUR 1,944 to get through the month, but four of out five households earn less than the minimum amount. They earn about EUR 300 per month less than required.

Moroccans said they need EUR 1,658 per month, while Surinamese and Antillean families need EUR 1,649 and native Dutch families need EUR 1,598. Turkish and Moroccan families are usually larger and thus need to spend more each month.

Migrant and native Dutch households largely share similar spending patterns, but some differences are noticeable. Migrants live more often in cheaper housing and spend less on childcare. Turkish families opt less frequently for insurance and save less.

In the supermarket, Surinamese, Antillean and Moroccan families spend the least (on average EUR 500) on groceries per month, while Turkish and native Dutch spend EUR 576 and EUR 662 respectively.

About a quarter of Dutch and Moroccan households have a loan compared with 30 percent of Turkish and 35 percent of Surinamese and Antillean families.

[Copyright Expatica News 2004]

Subject: Dutch news + immigrants