Expatica news

Russia bans dairy products from Ukraine

Russia on Friday banned some Ukrainian-made dairy products over alleged contamination and other violations, the latest import to be rejected amid the raging Ukraine crisis.

The consumer protection watchdog Rospotrebnadzor said that dairy products made by Milkiland, a company based in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, were judged to be violating Russian norms.

The watchdog took issue with the fatty acid content of the company’s several cheeses and pointed to “microbial contamination” of its dairy products.

From Friday, imports from seven of Milkiland’s factories will not be allowed into Russia, the watchdog said in a statement.

Two more of the company’s dairy factories have already seen their Russian exports halted, said the watchdog.

Critics accuse Russia of using import bans as political tools in times of disagreements.

Earlier this week, Russia’s veterinary oversight agency banned Moldovan imports of processed meat, just days after Chisinau, along with Kiev, inked an association agreement with the EU despited repeated objections from Moscow.

Last year, Moscow banned chocolate produced by Roshen, a company controlled by Petro Poroshenko who was elected Ukrainian president in May.