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Bail hearings for alleged Russian spies postponed

Five alleged Russian spies were ordered held behind bars Thursday after their bail hearings were postponed.

In Virginia, a bail hearing for Michael Zottoli, Patricia Mills, and Mikhail Semenko, was put off until Friday on the request of defense lawyers who said they had new information.

In Boston, US Magistrate Judge Jennifer Boal ordered that Donald Heathfield and Tracey Foley remain in jail until a new hearing set for July 16.

The five were among nine suspected Russian sleeper agents appearing in court Thursday to face charges of participating in a network of agents working for the Kremlin.

The Boston judge also held a closed-door hearing to make care arrangements for Heathfield and Foley’s two children.

The case of the alleged “deep cover” agents — accused of trying to infiltrate US policymaking circles — harkens back to Cold War hostilities, with the use of false identities, tales of buried money and hidden video cameras.

A total of 10 people were arrested in the United States, along with one in Cyprus.