Expatica news

Expat blogging opens at Expatica Switzerland

Love our Blogs section but just can’t seem to get enough? Want to be published on Expatica? Are you eager to read more first-person encounters about expat life?

We hear you, and now we’re passing on the torch. Expatica Switzerland is now giving the expat community a chance to post their blog entries on Expatica and be read by thousands of other expats.

Our Blogs section serves as an outlet to share your stories, experiences, and lessons learned from being an expat in Switzerland, and read the same from others. Think of it as an online magazine and scrapbook of tales!

We’ve made it simple, fun and fast to use in four easy steps:

  1. Sign in to your Expatica Community account (or get involved and join us!)
  2. Click on "Blogs"
  3. Select "Write New Entry"
  4. Type away!

You’ll notice the style is similar to a typical post, with photo and video insert options, emoticons, a preview screen and more. You can publish right away or save as a draft, as well as choose a category and title. In addition, we’ve made different privacy options available so you can control who sees your posting.

Share your blog with others, view other expat entries, and help us build a blog site for expats, by expats at Expatica Switzerland.