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21st Century Global School: Global IES method

The Global IES method allows for choice in learning.

The choice is not what students learn, but rather how they learn. The programme is structured and specific to each student’s learning needs. Within the programme students can choose the manner in which they reach understanding.

During a scheduled subject session, students have a choice of materials to use in order to achieve the specific objective. Every exercise offers various mediums to arrive at the intended result. Students choose the medium in accordance with their way of thinking.

For example, when putting the pieces of a puzzle together, the choice would be whether to follow the colours of the pieces, the patterns on the pieces, or the numbers on the back of the pieces.

Once the puzzle has been put together to form the picture, the picture needs to be examined to find the specific criteria. Again, students have the choice in the manner in which they discover the objectives. If the student is successful in pinpointing the specific criteria, they will check the answer card to discover if understanding has been reached. If understanding has been reached, the student will move on to the next level of understanding. If full understanding has not been reached, the student will continue with similar exercises on the subject, until understanding is reached.
21st Century Global School
The teachers’ role is to lay a solid foundation and then to guide the students in their specific manner of learning, toward the intended objective. Students are taught to use an instinctive mindset to achieve learning. Teachers are always on the side lines, ready to step in and support the students on their learning path.

Students are tested on what they have learnt, as opposed to what they should have learnt.

The level of understanding is continually assessed and discussed with the students in order to determine what has been learned, and what has not yet been understood. Students will then do projects. There are two types of projects. The first type are proficiency projects on subjects in which students have reached basic understanding, and their need to further their knowledge on that subject. The other type of projects are challenge projects on subjects that are not yet understood, where the student will follow various pathways in order to reach understanding of that subject.

This method accommodates all types of learners and demonstrates an educative manner of thinking which instils independence in learning. Difficulties are seen as challenges as opposed to obstacles. Students learn to take control of their education and to have pleasure in their achievements. The inspiration for acquiring knowledge is made possible in every subject, for all students.


Contributed by 21st Century Global School 

 21st Century Global School