Expatica news

Dutch Muslims, Christians prepare jointly to criticise Koran film

18 March 2008

AMSTERDAM – Dutch Protestants and Muslims have joined in preparing a statement critical of the yet-to-be-released Koran-film of MP Geert Wilders, a Protestant Church spokesman said Monday.

The film by the founder of the Freedom Party, which runs on a platform of criticism on the Islam and migrants, is expected to be released on www.fitnathemovie.com any day.

Wilders says his film will demonstrate why the Muslim Holy Scripture "is a fascist book that incites people to commit violence."

The film has captured the headlines of the Dutch media ever since the legislator announced he was working on it last November.

The Protestant Church and two umbrella organisations of the Muslim community in the Netherlands – Contact Group Muslims CGI and Contact Muslims and Government CMO – were due Monday to discuss the text of a joint statement.

The Council of Churches, an umbrella organisation of all Dutch Christians – Protestants and Catholics – was also expected to take part in the meeting.

[Copyright dpa 2008]